Friday, September 3, 2010

23.4%, whoo hoo

Can't believe that I haven't posted since May. No one reads this except my mom, though.

Hi Mom!

Since May I've gone from 7.7% paid off to 23.4%! I am so excited! Of course, some of that came from my 401K cash in, which I know is a no-no, but I was getting no where because of my balances. I can see progress now and it's very motivating. I've got 6 more debts left and still aiming for Free in Three!

Labor Day weekend and my goal is to not spend any money except for pizza tonight. No unplanned spending! Praying for strength.

76.6% left!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Progress - 7.7%

Reworking numbers (adding debt I forgot) in March I actually only progressed to 6.3% paid off. April was horrible because I lost that all the way down to 0.5%.

Because of the $1,240 a month bill for summer camp for the girls I took some money out of my 401K at work. I padded it a little and made up for April's bad numbers. So for the summer I've paid for Ginny's summer and got the grand total back to 7.7%.

This debt just seems insurmountable. I'll work on getting my Robert Bateman print on eBay this weekend. That might get me $1000.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Expensive mistakes

I can't seem to learn not to spend money. This past Saturday I spend about $275 on two baby bunnies. Mistake! Of course they took them back, but they wouldn't give a refund for used stuff or "livestock".

I tried to impress on Juliana not to do as I do and what a huge mistake we made jumping into buying the bunnies. They sure were precious. The dogs loved them, too.

The second mistake was putting it on my MC. I really need to take it out of my wallet. I'll do that when I get to the car tonight. I'll keep it in the car for emergencies, but at least it won't be as handy.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Juliana turned 13 this past week. I did not spend $ at Dave and Busters, repeated adding more and more money on our cards. I wasn't addicted, not me!

For Jules' birthday, I did not buy an ice cream cake from Cold Stone Creamery enough for 30 people for just 5 of us! Nope! I do not LOVE their Mint Chocolate ice cream cake and will not gain 20 pounds over the next few weeks nibbling on it.

That is all I'll admit to... for now.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

March Debt Progress

Thanks to me paying too much to Uncle Sam in 2009, I have made significant progress on my debt snowball! I am now up to 7.2% paid off since the beginning of February. I'll probably be at a turtle's pace from now on, but it sure is nice to have 4 $0 balances! There is also a great support group that I'm participating in called Women In Red, specifically the Racers in the South. There is a group for everyone, even international.

Debt Free in Three! How's that for my motto?!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

1.1 percent!

February 8 was the all time high for my debt amount. I am now gazelle intense. And thankful for a nice tax return coming next week. But that is for the March thermometer. For now, on February 28, I had decreased by debt by 1.1%!

Dave says it's a behavioral change. I can see that and I'm trying to do it. Looking forward to seeing the March percentage.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Juliana broke her arm again. Yes, the same one she broke last year. Thankfully the rods were still in it, so when the bones broke the rods kept them stable. The orthopedist at CHOA rebent the arm back and put the cast on it. I was so relieved that there wouldn't be another $10,000 surgery to put the rods back in.

For the next few weeks Juliana will be wearing a black cast.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Debt fight

2010 is the year I am going to make huge progress on eliminating my debt.

At least, those are my plans. Last month was the highest amount I've ever owed and I refuse to go higher (an emergency could bite my butt--Murphy could move in).

I've had a spreadsheet to track all purchases, but now I'm going to track my percentage paid. Something to give me incentive and hope. So, at the right I'm starting at 0% for February and look forward to that percentage going up in March!

Tomorrow (going to give myself some time to find it) I'm going to start Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University--I've actually owned it for the past 3 years, but never listened to. Yea, me!

Pray for my diligence, focus, gazelle-like intensity!

"Live like no one else, so you can live like no one else!" - Dave Ramsey

Monday, February 1, 2010

Prayer and Matt Chandler

This morning I read a powerful story of Pastor Matt Chandler. He has been diagnosed with a stage 3 brain tumor. His outlook is amazing and humbling. Reading his story has lead me to their family blog, The Chandlers.

In an October 24 post Lauren said,
"I'm praying because I want to know Him. I want to be a part of the advancing of His Kingdom. I want to see change--in me and in others. I want to fight sin. I want to humble myself before the Sovereign King."
I've struggled with prayer and the idea of prayer. Does it work? The bible says He knows our days before they happen. So how does prayer change that? Does He change his mind about paths if people pray?

In that same post Lauren also says:
Pray. For it is fellowship with God.
Pray. For it is a beckoning to join with God in accomplishing His eternal purposes.
Pray. For it truly changes things.
Pray. For it is a means of confession + fighting sin.
Pray. For it is an act of humility.
So praying is also done for me and my relationship with God, not simply for Him to change His mind. I've been reading Catherine Marshall's book A Closer Walk: A Spiritual Lifeline to God. She's shown me repeatedly that praying brings her focus to God in all she does. Prayer is for her and her relationship with God. I know that prayer does bring about miracles. I'm just still unsure why--is it prayer or His already chosen path.

I've been reading my Bible at night before bed. Each night I've opened it, it has shown me verses that directly apply to me now. Very cool to lay down, close my eyes, and go "Wow!"

Friday, January 29, 2010

Why we are helping Haiti!

Lorraine at All Are Precious In His Sight posted someone's internet diatribe on why aren't we helping the folks in the U.S. that are homeless, sick, etc. She then goes on to tell them WHY! Amen!

Here is one example she gives and you can go read the rest of her amazing response.

Wanna see homeless without shelter?

Thousands of Haitians (elderly and infants included) are sleeping outside on the ground.
They've made "tent cities" as they have no homes or steady structures to take shelter in.
Haven't seen a tent city in America (unless it was a campout to buy front row seats to a concert)!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Debt sucks

April at Coal Creek Farm said "Debt sucks big donkey wads." AMEN!

I'm thinking about starting a Debt reduction countdown box on the right. Something to hold me accountable. Not sure yet how to design it.

According to April, what is needed is "focus, diligence, persistence, good planning & organization."

I'll try and get remotivated.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Decoration or a way of life?

Amy at Building the Blocks... did a post today about "Wearing your cross" and it spoke to me -- actually it screamed at me, as I am guilty.
"How many times had I worn my cross- yet not truly carried it?
How many times had I viewed the cross simply as a decoration and not as a way of life?
Lord, forgive me."
Lord, forgive me.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Jan. 15 scripture

Today's scripture passage is huge for me.

My dear brothers take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for a man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.
James 1:19&20 (NIV)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Scripture Memory for 2010

I am reading a new blog done by Beth Moore - Living Proof Ministries. What a Godly woman! Wish I'd found her blog a long time ago.

Last January especially. Beth did a Scripture Memory Team for 2009, where you choose a verse to memorize/meditate on the 1st and 15th of the month. I decided it was a great idea, but I'm going to do it in 2010! They have to be verses that speak to YOU. They are on a set of note cards that you can pull out to meditate on at any time. And that is the key. They are for use if you need reassurance, support, PEACE, or to feel closer to God. In the middle of a crisis? Needing PEACE? Daily focus? I am very excited.

Here is my verse for January 1.

Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said," I will never desert you, nor will I forsake you," so that we confidently say,"The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What will man do to me?" Hebrews 13:5-6 (NASB)


Peace is my word for 2010. I REALLY need it at home and at work.

Now how can I continually focus on it? Might need to get a necklace from Lisa Leonard Designs so I can put on my armor every morning.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Word for 2010?

Ali Edwards says that in 2007 she "started a public tradition of choosing a single word to focus on over the course of the year."

I'm really not sure what it should be. Last year I chose "freedom." I don't think that was the right word for 2009. Or maybe I didn't find the freedom I was looking for. Maybe I didn't focus enough.

It's that time again. One little word for 2010. Maybe I'll think about it for a couple days. Any suggestions or comments? What word would yours be? Here are the words from people participating with Amy in 2009.

I think this is a good idea. A necklace to wear daily to help me focus on my word. Now I just have to figure out my word....

Saturday, January 2, 2010

RIP Rosie

Never sick a day in her life, but our Rosie passed away two weeks after being diagnosed with what we thought was cancer.

We adopted Rosie the fall of 2003, right after my brother died. She was wonderful. She slept with Juliana. She slept on my mom. She tolerated the dogs. Rosie loved to sleep on your lap--if you were watching TV, she'd climb up and go to sleep.

She will be missed.