Monday, January 5, 2009

One Little Word - Freedom

... for 2009.

GitzenGirl said in her post she
decided to participate in Ali Edwards' One Little Word challenge ... to pick a word that you would use as your touch point for the year. A word that you would come back to in order to keep yourself in focus and moving forward. I liked that a lot... the idea of centering myself without creating unrealistic expectations.
What an excellent idea! To be focused for an entire year, not on a "resolution" I never keep, but on an inner goal. I have chosen "freedom." My goal for 2009 is to work on "freedom" - freedom from money worries, family worries, illness worries. I want to be happy and at peace with myself. Hopefully that peace coming from freedom will pass down to the family, too.

I like that word! How about you? What is your word for 2009 going to be?

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Oh, no! It's that time again - actually it's a day early, but I won't have time tomorrow at work. If you want to read more confessions (I hear it's good for you), to to My Charming Kids. Without further ado, here is my Not Me Monday! confession.

I did not eat all but 2 slices of the soda cracker pie made for my birthday - including whipped topping! At least the whipped topping was lite!

I did not also have angel food cake given to me for my birthday. Looks like I won't be eating all that too. Yummy!

I did not put my 4 year old to bed a half an hour early 'cause she was driving me nuts! I can't get away with that with my 11 year old, darn it!

I did not sleep until 10:30 this morning and then take another nap for 2 hours this afternoon while my kids played. I need to make taking vitamins a new years resolution.

I have not walked even a tenth of a mile on my new treadmill that I've had for 3 weeks. I really haven't! Another new years resolution. :-)

Enough for tonight. Happy Not Me Monday!