Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Water days

Juliana has acted like a fish ever since she figured out that I wasn't trying to kill her in the bath water. (Guess the orphanage didn't bathe the kids much.) She LOVES the water. She likes pools, sprinklers, the beach, and even muddy water under the swing set.

Ginny enjoys being in the water, but until recently, pitched a major fit if her face got wet. Heaven help me if her face got wet and there wasn't a towel around. Ever since we went to the beach in April, Ginny has decided that she loves water and isn't as upset if her face gets wet. In the tub last night she practiced putting her face in the water, blowing bubbles and not wiping her eyes with her hands when she came up.

Now if only I could get Ginny to go to sleep without me sitting on the bed beside her....

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