Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Fun

The girls had a great time trick or treating. Candy galore! Ginny was Ariel and Juliana a gangster/mobster. All of us tried on the red hair, but it only worked for Ginny.

Juliana carved her own pumpkin and it turned out great! Ginny had help. The thought of Ginny using a carving tool is not a fun one.

I found out about Stephanie and Christian Nielson after a fundraiser at Lisa Leonard Designs. Please keep the Nielson's in your prayers as they recover from an airplane crash in August 2008. Periodic updates on how they are doing are here. Christian is recovering at home and Stephanie is still in the hospital. I read her entire blog oldest to most recent. She is an amazing woman and mother and such a beautiful family! Healing hugs to her.

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