Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Not Me Monday!

One of my favorite blogs My Charming Kids recently had a posting about what she did NOT do. What fun that post was! I replied....
When I was finally by myself in the car...
I DID NOT reach into the back seat and grab my four year old's half eaten cookie and then eat it.
And then I DID NOT reach back there again and grab the half eaten bag of Cracker Jacks and finish that off too.
She didn't even realize they were gone. :-)
MckMama said that she is going to make it a weekly posting of what she recently did NOT do during the week. I think that is a fabulous idea! Very fun!

I did NOT read all 134 replies while I was at work. :-)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Gwinnett County Fair

We had a great time at the fair this weekend - except for my sunburn. We went with Kelly, Sophia, Barbara, Michelle, and Linda.

The funnel cake was fantastics. We also ate lunch there ($18.50 for the 3 of us!) which consisted of hotdogs, fantastic french fries, and sodas. The lemonade came later.

We got there early and were able to watch the livestock program, pet some sheep and watch the black Angus be bathed and groomed.

The girls had a blast and Juliana won a gold fish. She was over the moon! So now Juliana has a gold fish added to her 3 hermit crabs.

Sitting next to the flowers decorating the livestock area.